Friday, January 27, 2012

Synthesis of Exponential Processes as a Model for Awareness-- A Synopsis

The ruling force of the universe is simply organization and association of wave patterns into feedback loops and vortices that compete against each other, in patterns of exponential construction and destruction, in an ever-changing and complex manner analogous to principles in acoustic physics and fluid mechanics. Energy transfer and resonance manifests itself into complex structure systems, in our perception, based on balances gained and lost, and on the Quantum Scale, if the vortex of energy feedback is balanced enough, it can create the effect of a solid particle in our perception. Particles gain different features due to the different chains of energy exchange that led to their arrival, then interact with each other in a way dictated by the frequency of their harmonic resonance, and the degree to which these frequencies can be aligned by a common denominator, creating the effect of positive and negative charge, among other things. Energy transfer then resonates in a complex structure pattern based on associative symbol-structures created by the "minds" (I use this term in an untraditional fashion: stating that what we symbolically refer to as the mind is actually just balanced resonance at a given frequency) of different scales of feedback loops and interaction clouds collecting and dissipating associative and dissociative wave patterns.

For examples of the manifestations of the force of associative wave pattern organization versus disassociation resonating in complex symbol structure systems, one can refer to traditional concepts of yin and yang:

Light vs Dark (base energy)
Hot vs Cold
Low and High
Water and Fire
Air and Earth

These words are symbols used to describe dualities in different fields of interaction, on different telescoping scales of symbol structures in our reality. If we describe them in more mechanical terms, they gain more significant meaning for an analytical mind

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